

1. Time to Baccalaureate Degree in the Labor Market: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

2. Delayed Bachelor's Degree Graduates Have Lower Graduate School Enrollment Rates.

3. College Opportunity and Teen Fertility: Evidence from Ser Pilo Paga in Colombia. (with Jesús Villero)

4. Impacts of Transfer Admissions Requirements: Evidence from Georgia.

5. College Entrance Exam-Taking Strategies in Georgia. (with Weixiang Pan and Jonathan Smith)

Working Papers

1. Voting Among Siblings (with John Holbein, Sam Imlay, and Jonathan Smith)

2. Understanding Variation in Post-College Earnings: Evidence from the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard (with Xiaowen Hu and Michael Hurwitz) Under Review.

Research in Progress

1. The Effects of SAT Score Disclosure in the Test Optional Era

2. Which High Schools do Voters Attend? (with D'Wayne Bell, John Holbein, Sam Imlay, and Jonathan Smith)

Other Publications

1. Opportunities to Improve the Pipeline of Students Into and Through Advanced Placement. (with Thomas Goldring, Monica Mogollon Plazas, and Jonathan Smith). July 2023.

2. Placement Tests, Initial Enrollments, and Student Outcomes in the Technical College System of Georgia. (with David Ribar and Jonathan Smith) Georgia Policy Labs. July 2021.

3. The Effects of Minimum College Transfer Admissions Requirements within the University System of Georgia. Georgia Policy Labs. May 2021.